Hryhorii Skovoroda University in Pereiaslav

Country: Europe > Eastern Europe > Ukraine
Policymaker type: Research organisation (e.g. university or research institution)
Policymaker name: Hryhorii Skovoroda University in Pereiaslav
Policymaker URL:
Policy URL:
Repository URL:
Policy adoption date: 14 November 2014
Policy effective date: 14 November 2014
Last revision date: 19 June 2024
Source of policy: Administrative/management decision
Policy Terms
Deposit of item: Required
Locus of deposit: Institutional Repository
Date of deposit: No later than the time of acceptance
Content types specified under the mandate: Other
Journal article version to be deposited: Author's final peer-reviewed version
Can deposit be waived?: Not Applicable
Making deposited item Open Access: Other
Can making the deposited item Open Access be waived?: Not applicable
Date deposit to be made Open Access: Publication date
Other Details
Is deposit a precondition for research evaluation (the 'Liège/HEFCE Model')?: Not Specified
Rights holding: Author grants key rights to institution
Can rights retention be waived?: No
Can author waive giving permission to make the article Open Access?: No
Policy's permitted embargo length for science, technology and medicine: 12 months
Policy's permitted embargo length for humanities and social sciences: 6 months
Can maximal allowable embargo length be waived?: No
Open licensing conditions: Not specified
Gold OA publishing option: Recommended as an alternative to Green self-archiving
Funding for APCs where charged by journals: Not Mentioned
APC fund URL (where available):

Added by (partner): Ukraine

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